The Chicago Public Library protects the open and rampant use of Internet pornography by library patrons. This blog is an attempt to bring awareness to this issue and enact change.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Libary Porn Issue Across the US...

Here are just some links to news stories regarding this issue in the USA:

Reminding us - it really IS about protecting our kids:

Also, I found this site:
It's a political website for the school board in Vancouver, WA. I found it encouraging that someone's stand on the library porn issue was directly tied to votes. Here's the quote:
Margaret Tweet, Camas: The record of Mayor Pollard and others running for Vancouver City Council on hardcore library porn is atrocious. Since 1997, I witnessed and also read public records of minors accessing hardcore pornography at FVRL library computers. Furthermore, reports of adults' access to hardcore material also negatively affected library visitors young and old.

The mayor and certain candidates could have helped solve the problem. Instead, the mayor lambasted citizens at city meetings, the library board delayed, and the problem festered until 2006.

Councilor Jeanne Stewart defended decent libraries and deserves re-election. Tim Leavitt, Bill Turlay, and Anne McEnerny-Ogle would better serve Vancouver. (info:
And the title of this one made me laugh out loud: "But Where Will Homeless Philadelphia Men Browse Internet Porn Now?"
Although the title is funny, the actual article itself is kind of sad - it talks about library services being cut back and canceled because of funding. And that is truly a bummer, even if this article has a snarky, sarcastic twist about it.
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

International Example of the Libary Porn Issue

Canada... London... Australia...

Examples of pornography use in public libraries are popping up all over the world, not just in the United States. Of course, the American Library Association (ALA) has directed American libraries to offer completely unfettered access to the internet, with the only exception being child pornography.

It's important to note that although the ALA directs American libraries regarding this issue, each city has their own independent governing bodies (ex, CPL has the library board) and are allowed to make choices for those libraries accordingly.

Anyway - I've already covered some news stories about this issue in Australia, here's a link to another recent news story that's more international in nature. It's interesting to note that there are other countries dealing with a very similar issue.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Filters Aren't Required to Keep Porn Out

The title of this news article can be a bit misleading - but it gets the point across. Greensboro Central Library in fact does NOT filter out internet pornography. However, it DOES have policies against using internet pornography. Here's the deal, taken from the article:
Instead, anyone caught looking at porn are asked to leave by security guards. Repeat offenders can be banned for a day, week, month or even a year at a time.

Porn surfing is not a criminal offense, but repeat offenders can and have been charged with trespassing. (Copyright © 2009, WGHP-TV)
Here's the complete article: Greensboro Central Library Doesn't Filter Out Pornography

I think it's important to note that filtering wasn't used, but having a policy in place to prevent this kind of thing is very much in use. This is something that the CPL could very easily incorporate into our public libraries. We already have security guards patrolling around on the 3rd floor, allegedly in an attempt to help enforce laws against child pornography. Why not ask them to enforce a policy against all sexually explicit materials?
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Get Porn out of Public Libraries...

One of the first sites that I found while researching this issue of open pornography use in the CPL was This site has a lot of great links - but it was easy for me to get lost on the site. Anyway - I remember finding this page a long time ago and thinking how awesome it was to have so many great ideas in one place. I recently stumbled on this page again and thought it would be great to share it from my blog with anyone who might be interested.

Here's a link to the site:
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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Governmend Funded Outlets to Porn

The author of this article, Rhonda Callow, lays out the arguments FOR anti-porn filters in schools and libraries. And as she says so eloquently, "...there must be some benefits to having pornography filters on the computers of our schools and libraries, otherwise, aren’t these just government funded outlets to porn?"

I'll break down her most beautiful arguments here:
  1. It protects our children from (intentionally or unintentionally) seeing inappropriate content.
  2. No matter how much of a parenting super power you might be, "If people are permitted to openly view pornography in our libraries, we might as well send our kids to the local brothel to do their homework and research projects".
  3. "If we permit people to download and watch pornography from public libraries, how long until the inappropriate label is stripped away and “sick” becomes “standard”?
  4. "Sure, you could move the library computers so that only the computer user can see the screen, but do you really want some man (or woman) looking at porn while your child is but ten feet away studying for his next history exam?"
  5. As the counterargument with forcing the cost of filters on libraries and schools, "I’m somewhat concerned with the costs associated with having technicians come in to do regular clean-ups and maintenance on the computers which have been infected with malicious programs, such as spyware and viruses; something most of us know is a likely probability when porn sites are visited and the content downloaded. Avoiding the initial costs of installing these filters could possibly be considered a “budget band-aid” and not a practical, cost-effective long-term solution."
  6. "Internet filters are advanced enough now that even if they do block a breast cancer website, in all likelihood, the person doing the search will be able to access various other websites on the topic just fine."
For the complete article, follow this link:
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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Awareness - YAY!

This article is great! It is specifically about CPL. What I like about this article is that it talks about how lovely the library really is (or could be, without the whole porn issue) and then it points out that the one thing that's a total bummer is CPL's policy of allowing open Internet pornography use at its branches.

I feel it's appropriately titled as, "The Chicago Public Library: It's Not Just for Reading Anymore". Here's a link to the article for the entire read. (Don't worry - it's a quick one).

Unlike this author, I really do think that things with change - with time and perseverance, common sense will eventually win out for CPL.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

This made me laugh out loud...

there's just something about stating the obvious with such panache - it's a wonderous thing. {contented sigh}

Public Libraries Are Havens For Porn And Wankers
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Lewd Acts at the Library - Nothing New...

There's been a recent upsurge of interest in indecent acts occurring in public libraries as a result of downloading internet pornography. For anyone that might have a hard time connecting the dots on this one - that means there has been more publicity on the issue of open masturbation in public libraries.

If you've been following this blog for awhile, this is not necessarily news to you. You know as much as the next patron that this has been an issue as long as public porn use has been an issue.

However, I thought I'd share links to some of these articles, all based around the Sunshine Coast in Queensland:
Library Porn Pervs Caught in the Act
Porn Access Spark Library 'Indecent Acts'
Free Porn Prompts Sex Acts at Libraries
Men Download Porn, Perform Lewd Acts at Public Libraries

Here are some gems from the article, Free Porn Prompts Sex Acts at Libraries (link above):

"This is obviously a very serious matter, because public libraries are family-friendly places with lots of young people around. We don't want them exposed to this sort of lewd behaviour, which is obviously a secondary behaviour to the (downloading of) pornography."

"The pressure is on us to do something about it because we do not want to be attracting people to our public libraries for this purpose."

I agree. This is a serious matter for the CPL too - for many of the same reasons listed above: public libraries are family-friendly, and lots of young people are around. And the pressure is definitely on us to do something about it.
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Possible Solution to the Library Porn Problem???

In this article titled, "IT Experts Could Foil Library Porn Pervs", a potential solution to the library porn issue is presented - a filter-firewall technology called a sonic wall.

This sonic wall technology promises much greater flexibility on a library-by-library basis (i.e. if non-porn content is accidentally blocked, it's super easy for a librarian to unblock it.

But, it seems that the issue at CPL is more an issue of policy and much less an issue of technology. They have no policies against porn at all - only policies supporting it...

Here's a link to the complete article: (, as covered in the (Queensland).
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Common Sense, Welcome!

This great article, based out of Oregon, does a great job of laying out some of the basic arguments for keeping porn out of libraries. The author, Elizabeth Hovde, even provides some of the local history of this issue. It's a really great read.

Granted, it's an opinion article - published on Oregon Live as part of The Stump, "Oregon opinion articles, political commentary, cartoons and more" - so don't read this expecting a straight news article. But it's refreshing to find a columnist that uses common sense and doesn't hide behind the "censorship" scare tactics.

As Hovde states in her closing paragraph, "Limiting what's on the shelves -- or accessible on a public computer -- is not censorship. It's discretion. And pornography and other materials blocked... are still widely available for personal use and purchase elsewhere."

Here's a link to the article in it's entirety:
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Slow Progress, and not even at CPL - but we'll take it!


Looks like the library in Owosso, MI is starting to rethink their current stance on free and open Internet porn use. I commend the individuals who helped to make this happen - you are awesome! ;)

But the fact that anything needs to be done about this at all just makes my head spin. I don't understand how common sense was lost on such a large scale. Is it laziness? Maybe it all just boils down to the fact that librarians "don't want to be police" and they feel like monitoring computer use would be policing.

But they have to monitor use on some level - otherwise the public libraries of our great nation wouldn't be able to assure us that child porn wasn't allowed in their facilities. Well - the struggle continues.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

What a cute title for an Editorial column!

So - a contributing writer to the Santa Monica Mirror, Steve Stajich, wrote a nice enough editorial column about porn use in his local library called, Santa Monica Library Internet: Please Remain Dot Calm. I say nice enough because I'm sure Stajich meant well. And I don't know him personally, so I have to assume that he really IS looking out to protect the First Amendment. Anyway - the article had the same old arguments about protecting the First Amendment and the same old slams against Internet filters. If you've read one like it already, save yourself the time and energy - don't bother reading this one.

However, in spite of the all-too-common approach to this topic that the article seems to take, I decided it was about high time that I responded. So - I tried to post a comment in response to his article.
I really did.
Several times. However - the automated system kept kicking back with

The text you entetered contains characters or words
that are not allowed.

Please revise your entry and resubmit or
contact the site administrator.

(Typo theirs.)

It has been modified slightly, in case maybe the parenthesis or quotation marks were causing the kickback.

They weren't.

Maybe it was the word "pornography". Or "child pornography". Anyway - it seemed ironic to me that there appears to be censors on the comments system of a editorial column that is so flamboyantly against censorship or restrictions of any kind, or at least those on the Internet.

This is my response. (Post parenthesis and quotation mark modifications.)

I am currently living in Chicago and the Chicago Public Library, CPL, also allows unfettered access to the Internet, including pornography.

You make many good points in this article. But I disagree with some of your arguments. For instance, you quote Mullen as saying that it would be inappropriate to introduce restrictions. Yet, most, if not all, public libraries claim to do just that with the very mention of child pornography. Regardless of the ever-widening reach of adult pornography, child pornography remains illegal and public libraries continue to publicly decry any association with it. There are more than a few cases covered in newspapers Nationwide of arrests for Registered Sex Offenders choosing to view child pornography at a public library. How do public libraries keep child pornography off their computers if not restricting it in some way?

Next, a similar concern also regards our laws. Pornography is considered to be Material Harmful to Minors. Depending on each state, a minor can be any person under 16 or even up to 18 years of age. Because pornography is considered Harmful to Minors, it is generally a punishable offense to display it or use it publicly. Consequences vary, depending on individual state laws.

A public library is very much a public place and children are allowed in all areas of the library, even the computer lab that isn't meant for just them - so why is it that a law that protects them outside of the library is somehow made nonexistent behind the closed doors of their local public library?

You also compared Internet pornography to magazines or disturbing newspapers. I feel that's similar to comparing apples and kiwis. If someone chooses to view a magazine or read a newspaper, those around them are not forced to read it too. Actually, most people in the general area will have no idea what the others are reading. However, a computer screen, similar to a movie screen, especially when you're not the one clicking the mouse and controlling the show, does force all those around to view the same images.

You even mentioned the privacy screens or monitor screen covers in use by the Santa Monica Library. Although the idea of a privacy screen looks great on paper, I assure you, they are less than ideal in real life. Especially at my local branch of the CPL when rows of computer terminals lines up. On one visit, you can be subject to 7 or more screens of second-hand pornography, regardless of age or proclivity towards viewing this material.

Also, public libraries regulate the use of many things while in their buildings. Everything from cell phone use, which is usually banned, to eating, sleeping and even personal hygiene. What if I were to choose to express myself by not showering for a month? Or is my First Amendment somehow violated because I'm not able to talk on the cell phone that I myself purchased while I'm in the library? What about smoking?

Finally, I understand the Freedom of Speech and I very much support our First Amendment Rights - but I do think we need to consider the bigger picture here. Disallowing Internet pornography use does not equal censorship, especially for a multi-billion dollar industry that is in no danger of being shut down. No, instead it states that the public library is not the place for Internet pornography.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Everyone gets it. Except CPL, that is.

In this article about the Kingston Frontenac Public Library (Kingston, Canada), Library is Heart of the City, the author clearly illustrates how important this library is to the surrounding community. To be sure, most libraries are clearly important to their community. The CPL is very important to the community in Chicago too - but for some reason they still hold to the belief that they have "no way to control" the rampant Internet pornography use in public spaces.

Below is a quote for the article mentioned above that again illustrates that it's possible to guard intellectual freedom while disallowing Internet pornography use in the library (emphasis mine).
If you can't stomach ugly, evil, partisan, unorthodox or shocking content, avoid the book. The Kingston Frontenac Public Library guards intellectual freedom and the right to choose. But pulling up porn on the Internet will get you banned from the library.

CPL does have the ability to disallow Internet porn use, but is simply choosing to do nothing. Corrupt or Lazy? You pick.
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Monday, March 9, 2009

Porn does not belong in public libraries...

A public library in Manchester, New Hampshire recently kicked out a Registered Sex Offender (RSO) for trying to access Internet Pornography using the library's computer.

We at the Obscene Rights blog are proud of the stance the Manchester library has taken to ensure the safety of other library patrons. It's always good to see librarians at a Public Library using common sense instead of only trying to portray themselves as maverick "information protectors". Also, double kudos to Manchester for being able to think clearly on this issue while maintaining a more liberal policy for Internet use at the library. (ie - No filters. No severe penalties. Porn is still not allowed.)

As this article on the situation states:

The city library has a fairly liberal policy on Internet use. It does not forbid viewing racy photos. It states merely that "Viewing and printing access is provided for educational and research purposes" and "The library reserves the right to ask users to refrain from displaying computer images which are inappropriate for public viewing."

The CPL could learn a lot from that Internet Use Policy. Anyone should be allowed to do research, but watching anything on a computer screen in the public library is very much public viewing.

There are some things that are simply inappropriate for public viewing. (For reasons why this is inappropriate in public, read the rest of this blog - particularly Top Ten Reasons to Remove Porn From our Public Libraries and Some Ridiculous Pro-porn-in-the-library Arguments.)

We at ObsceneRights are staunch supporters of free speech and firmly against censorship. Letting someone know that watching hardcore Internet pornography at the Public Library is inappropriate and unacceptable and even disallowing it is not censorship - it's similar to requesting patrons to not use cell phones in the library. Instead, by not being allowed to do anything about it - those of us who oppose it (and are not allowed to voice that opposition) are at risk of being censored.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Porn in Libraries is upsetting

I read an article today about a woman in the Salt Lake City library who was with a children's field trip when they were exposed to 2nd-hand porn. She asked the teenagers viewing it to turn it off and they did.

Please note two very important items:
1. She was allowed her Freedom of Speech in asking them to turn it off.
2. This happened in the children's section.

In this news article, you can tell that she was obviously upset by the situation and that her child was exposed to second-hand porn as well.

Watching porn in public is never a good idea. Let alone forcing second-hand porn on other people.
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Friday, February 20, 2009

More about Ogden

Here's a great article I found at There's been so much written about this topic lately - and so many good points have been made both for and against Ogden. I'm still opposed to someone with proven ties to the pornography industry being responsible for enforcing laws that effect pornographers (obscenity laws, etc).

As mentioned in the article linked to above:

His nomination has pornography supporters excited and opponents distressed. Colin Hardacre, a Los Angeles attorney who represents porn businesses, told a porn industry news website that "it is a nice change of pace to see the president choosing smart people with experience."

"This is a good sign for the adult industry," he said.

And an apprehensive time for the rest of us, I say. Please - if you haven't already done so - call your local senate judiciary committee member. Again - those phone numbers are listed here.


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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

quick and simple!

If you haven't called yet re: the Call to Action post from yesterday, please do. This simple call will take maybe a full minute of your time.

When I called, I simply stated my name, why I was calling and that I was against Ogden being accepted for the position of Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice. The aide on the other end of the phone asked for my zip code and thanked me for my call. That was it! The entire process took about 25-30 seconds!

It is one of the quickest and most painless ways to make your voice heard. Please make this very important call today!

If you're in Illinois, just call Durbin's office at (202) 224-2152.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Call to Action!

All right, folks - we're at a pivotal moment here. It's still possible for us to make our dissatisfaction with the David Ogden as nominee to be the Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice known. If Ogden get's it, he'll be #2 (under Eric H. Holder Jr.)

As someone that opposes the free and rampant use of internet pornography in my public library, it concerns me that Ogden might actually be accepted to this post because:

* David Ogden argued on behalf of Playboy, Penthouse and the ACLU in obscenity and pornography cases.
* David Ogden opposed the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which includes a provision requiring Internet filters in federally-funded libraries.
* David Ogden opposed the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act (CPOEA), which requires verification that models in pornographic films be certified over age 18. (Ogden argued that keeping records of porn models' ages would "burden too heavily and infringe too deeply on the right to produce First Amendment-protected material.”)
* David Ogden pushed for taxpayer funding to publish Playboy in Braille.

Here' the call to action - in order to voice our concern with this nomination, we need you to call a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on this nomination Thursday, February 26th.

The committee members are listed below.
At the very least, call the one closest to your state of residence. If you're in Wisconsin, sorry - you have to call both Feingold and Kohl!

Cardin D-Maryland (202) 224-4524
Coburn R-Oklahoma (202) 224-5754
Cornyn R-Texas (202) 224-2934
Durbin D-Illinois (202) 224-2152
Feingold D-Wisconsin (202) 224-5323
Feinstein D-California (202) 224-3841
Graham R-South Carolina (202) 224-5972
Grassley R-Iowa (202) 224-3744
Hatch R-Utah (202) 224-5251
Kaufman D-Delaware (202) 224-5042
Klobuchar D-Minnesota (202) 224-3244
Kohl D-Wisconsin (202) 224-5653
Kyl R-Arizona (202) 224-4521
Leahy Chairman, D-Vermont(202) 224-4242
Schumer D-New York (202) 224-6542
Sessions R-Alabama (202) 224-4124
Specter, R-Pennsylvania (202) 224-4254
Whitehouse D-Rhode Island (202) 224-2921
Wyden D-Oregon (202) 224-5244

The personal touch of a phone call is the best way to communicate our concern about this matter. Please take five or ten minutes out of your day to place this very important phone call.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Church wades into debate about Internet porn in libraries

Cambridge, Ontario is dealing with the same issues of filtering, censorship and second-hand library porn. It's a relief to see the community getting involved by way of the The First United Church in Cambridge.
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Thursday, February 5, 2009


This is a really interesting article written back in 2000 about rampant porn use in America's public libraries. (Click on the title to access the complete article). The author is Dr. Judith A. Reisman. Here's detailed article information and Dr. Reiman's website with even more white papers and articles.

Here's a excerpt:
That the ALA is in direct conflict with the majority of the tax paying public is visible by studying not only the hostile reactions of the polity to the current ALA turning our public libraries into local dirty book stores monopolies, but to the concerns of the public regarding the media as “harmful matter” which should not be provided to vulnerable adults or youths.
The Toxic American Public Library: Violating Children with Harmful Matter

April 4, 2000

Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

The Institute for Media Education

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Deputy U.S. Attorney General Nominee Has Adult Ties

There's some big news today. President Obama has nominated David W. Ogden to be the U.S. Attorney General. Ogden's professional history is littered with ties to the pornography industry and he has even opposed filters on library computers for CHILDREN to use (CIPA). While there is no proof that his past will dictate his future. It is obvious that he has closer ties with Penthouse, Playboy Enterprises and even the ACLU than befits someone with "no political favoritism". If he had also defended someone on the religious right, I might believe that.

Here's a small excerpt from an article about this nomination, posted by XBIZ Newswire (Adult Entertainment Industry News for the Media):

Brian Burch, who runs Fidelis, a Catholic-based advocacy organization, called Ogden’s selection to the No. 2 attorney general spot “a major mistake.”

“Ogden’s record is nothing short of obscene,” Burch said. “He has represented Playboy Enterprises in multiple cases, Penthouse Magazine, the ACLU, and the largest distributor of hardcore pornography videos.”

“He has opposed filters on library computers protecting children from Internet smut, and successfully defended the right of pornographers to produce material with underage children,” Burch said. “Ogden even sued the federal government in an attempt to publish Braille versions of Playboy magazine — at taxpayer expense, of course.”

Holder, the new attorney general, said Tuesday that he promises a “break with the immediate past” and that the department’s 110,000 employees could look forward to working in an environment where “there shall be no place for political favoritism. No reasons to be timid.” The Senate confirmed Holder Monday by a vote of 75 to 21.

(Emphasis mine. Click on the post title for the complete article.)

And here's another article from PR Newswire about the same thing.

This seems to be dangerous territory and is not too comforting for those of us that are trying to rid our public libraries of rampant Internet porn use.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Milabra - Detecting Images from Puppies to Porn

This is an interesting technology improvement and potentially has the capability in assisting with Adult Content Prevention. Maybe something we can use in the Chicago Public Library. IF the powers that be ever decide to stop protecting rampant Internet Porn use (and the subsequent broadcasting effect.)

Anyway - here's an article about this technolcogy, and here's the Milabra official website.
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

When will the Chicago Public Library get it?

The Librarian Convention in Denver these past few days has gained some attention in the local paper, Denver Westword News. In the article, Librarians Head to Denver for a Quiet Riot, the Denver Westword News indicates the public library is starting to take a new stance on the open displays of pornography use by library patrons. Here is the quote (emphasis mine):
* You can still surf porn at the library, but it's getting, uh, harder. "It's certainly protected speech, but it's not something we are looking to protect any longer," Jackson says. This issue has been a thorn in the library's side for several years. While the institution wants to help its customers do research without being censored, it doesn't want to turn its branches into X-rated theaters. For now, the library has installed filters on most of its computers. But there are still four filter-free monitors at the main branch and one at each of four other branches, where librarians have been instructed to ask patrons who are indulging in sins of the flesh to cool off. (
Will the Chicago Public Library ever reach this point? Is there even a compromise in sight?
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Price of Pleasure

Disclaimer: This particular blog post isn't specifically about banning pornography from the Chicago Public Library. However, it is educational and applies to the porn industry at large.

Since the beginning of this campaign, I've become aware of several people on both sides of this struggle. This struggle being whether or not we should allow and use government dollars, even in part, to fund pornography use in public libraries. In the process of learning about people involved in the struggle and the larger struggle of pornography use (again, both sides), I've discovered the trailer for a documentary, The Price of Pleasure. This documentary effectively presents the entire porn industry in an unbiased manner. (And please, use discretion if you decide to watch the trailer found on the website. It is, by all means, disturbing.)
...the film examines the unprecedented role that commercial pornography now occupies in U.S. popular culture. Going beyond the debate of liberal versus conservative so common in the culture, The Price of Pleasure provides a holistic understanding of pornography as it debunks common myths about the genre.
As a society it is important for people to understand the bigger picture of how pornography affects us as a whole. Instead of blindly providing pornography to any who seeks it as long as they can obtain a library card, we need to become better educated about what this really is and how affects us. We should not and can not assume that this is a harmless free-for-all.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

A secret revealed...

On the PostSecret website (, readers submit secrets on postcards. One of this week's secrets was about being exposed to porn at a young age and how it affected that person.

This is the postcard:

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Friday, January 16, 2009

More "In the News"

Yet another news story to support the argument that Pornography in the Public Library is dangerous.

Man convicted of viewing child porn at Lake Oswego Library
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sacramento Public Library Finds a Workable Solution...

I just found this story online: It dates back to April '08, but is exactly what libraries across the US have been facing for some time now - censorship vs library porn.

So I checked Sacramento's official Internet Use Policy to see what was decided. You can link to that here:

According to their currently published Internet Use Policy (mentioned above), it looks like the Sacramento Public Library has found their own solution to this difficult issue. Go Sacramento!

Here's an excerpt for all you non-link followers out there... (italics mine)
  • The Sacramento Public Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected materials. The Library also affirms the right and responsibility of parents and legal guardians to determine and to monitor their children’s use of Library materials and resources.
  • The Library's workstations are in public areas. Since others may be involuntarily exposed to what is viewed, the Library asks that each user exercise good judgment and consideration of others. Please bear in mind that some materials, such as sexually graphic materials, may well be more appropriate for viewing in the privacy of your home, rather than in a Public Library setting. If Library staff become aware of subject matter that would interfere with the maintenance of a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment for the public, the Internet user will be asked to end a search or change a screen.
  • The Library wishes to make the Internet and all computer resources available to anyone who respects the rights and property of others, and who abides by the Library's rules and procedures. Failure to appropriately consider the rights of others may lead to the loss of computer privileges for a finite period.
  • The Sacramento Public Library offers filtered access to the Internet by default. Unfiltered access is available on a per session basis. Juvenile customers under 17 years of age are required to obtain parental consent for unfiltered access on a per session.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dangerous? Yes. Another example from the news...

Here is yet another example of why allowing porn use in the library is dangerous.

Here's the full story:

Porn-watching peeper arrested in library
(Found on the following website:

A man was arrested on charges of second degree criminal trespassing Jan. 9 at 10 a.m.

Police responded to the Main Library after a woman reported that a man followed her into the bathroom. The woman said that prior to entering the bathroom she saw the man walking towards the restroom. Once she was inside the stall, she saw the man enter the restroom and stop by her stall. She could see him through the crack between the stalls' door and its frame. The woman said, "Excuse me!" and the man left.

Police later located the man viewing pornographic material on a computer screen in the Integrated Learning Commons. The woman identified him as the man who had followed her into the restroom.

He verbally identified himself to police. A check on his name showed that he had two criminal misdemeanor warrants out for his arrest from the Tucson Police Department. The man said that he had no association with the UA but frequented the library in order to use the computers and view pornographic materials online. He told officers, "I was watching porn earlier today and got excited. So, I decided to follow this lady inside the restroom to peep on her."

The man was taken to the Pima County Jail where he was booked for the two warrants and second degree criminal trespass. He was also given an exclusionary order prohibiting him from being on any UA owned or controlled properties.

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