The Chicago Public Library protects the open and rampant use of Internet pornography by library patrons. This blog is an attempt to bring awareness to this issue and enact change.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

About Privacy

Because I have been subject to second-hand pornography does not mean that I purposefully invaded the privacy of library patrons around me. I am not a nosy person and couldn't care less about what consenting adults do in the true privacy of their own residence. However, what a person does in public affects me directly. There is no privacy in a public area. This is similar to accusing someone of eavesdropping when they inadvertently overhear a loud person speaking in their cell phone on a crowded bus. This is not something that I'm trying to see.

The privacy screens that are so often referenced by library personnel are by no means an adequate measure to prevent these images from being seen by those in the general area of the screen. This does not mean that there are scores of 'privacy invaders' on the loose. This merely means that public acts are not private and we should not pretend that they are.

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