The Chicago Public Library protects the open and rampant use of Internet pornography by library patrons. This blog is an attempt to bring awareness to this issue and enact change.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pornography in Public: The Teaser

WGN Channel 9 is airing this story tonight as their cover story: Surfing Porn in Public?

If you can watch this, or maybe tivo it and watch it later - please do. :)

Tuesday, November 25th


  1. How does it help homeless people to give them better computer literacy?

    A resume for a homeless person? Really?

    Are you telling us that the viewing of porn by people at a library is worse than your friends, family and neighbors using it?

  2. So - Carl. First - thanks for taking a moment to read the blog. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond.

    Homelessness occurs for a variety of reasons to people at various stages in their lives. Although commonly associated with addictive behavior, that is not always the case. Also, some homeless people are educated - just like you or I. Because I am a technical writing and that's how I make my living, I offered to lend my writing skills to any of the guys that might want to update their resumes. (I invite you to volunteer at your local homeless shelter and befriend some of the people there. In time, you'll hear some of their stories and maybe you'll be moved to help in a way that you can offer as well.)

    Also - there is an almost surprising disparity between the resources that a homeless person has compared to you or I. Some do not have basic typing skills, let alone email addresses. Both of which can provide a huge advantage to get even the most basic of jobs.

    Lastly, the issue isn't WHO is watching porn, but WHERE it is being watched. If my friends, family and neighbors (that "use it") were to view this in public, like at the public library - I would still be opposed to it.
