The Chicago Public Library protects the open and rampant use of Internet pornography by library patrons. This blog is an attempt to bring awareness to this issue and enact change.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Attn: Call to Action

I'm currently looking for readers who would be willing to share their own stories of being exposed to porn in the library. Anything from general disgust, to particular incidents would be greatly appreciated.

If you do have a story or sentiment that you would like to share, please contact me at my email address listed on this blog.

Submissions will remain anonymous upon request and will only be published on the blog with explicit permission.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    Check out my web site and blog. See also for tons of sortable references to such things. Contact me if you want and I'll give you my phone number so I can download years of information, including specific information from your own backyard.

